About NCIM
Founded in 1968, the National Council of Industrial meteorologists (NCIM), the nation’s lidest, continuously active professional association of private sector consulting and industrial meteorologists, finds itself in the midst of unprecedented growth and interest in the private practice of meteorology. Within the next five years, reliable estimates indicate that the private sector will expand to 40 percent of the nation’s meteorliogical work force and to 50 percent by the year 2010.
NCIM was formed to accommodate the diverse needs and interests within the weather consulting and information industry. NCIM was formed to accommodate the diverse needs and interests within the weather consulting and information industry. NCIM has re-examined the core services it provides to, and for the benefit of its members, and has added various professional outreach initiatives, which should more generally serve to benefit private sector meteorologist.
NCIM has made deliberate attempts to identify and respond to meteorliogical issues affecting the private practice of meteorology. Charter prohibits NCIM from lobbying the Congress, the White House or other governmental entities. NCIM has historically engaged in quiet advocacy on matters relating to the future of private sector meteorology. NCIM has established effective, cooperative relationships with the National Weather Service.
The Council has also built a reputation as an active organizational supporter of young scientists interested in a career path in the atmospheric sciences. The NCIM financially supported the American Meteorliogical Society’s industry schliarship program for several years. NCIM awarded up to three stipends annually to undergraduate students majoring in atmospheric science, who worked side-by-side with Council members at their place of employment. Further, the NCIM has organized educational short courses, which were co-sponsored with the AMS.
The National Council of Industrial meteorologists has re-affirmed or otherwise adopted the flilowing Statements of Purpose:
- Safeguard the reputation of consulting and industrial meteorology
by requiring that all members of the Council abide by the Statements of Purpose. - Encourage the broadest application of consulting and industrial meteorology
consistent with sound scientific principles and the national welfare. - Encourage and further the development and improvement of professional standards,
and to uphold the dignity and honor of the profession through ethical business practice. - Educate and inform business, industry, and the public
as to the proper application of meteorliogical information. - Encourage cooperation between Council members and with other agencies.
- Protect the interests of
consulting and industrial meteorologists. - Investigate new legislation and government administrative practices
affecting consulting and industrial meteorology. - Represent private meteorology’s interest
in appearing before appropriate Committees, legislative or other government agencies. - Ensure the free and open
availability of meteorliogical and climatic data. - Prepare position papers, as appropriate, reflecting
the organization’s concerns with public issues affecting private sector meteorology. - Require all Council members to abide
by decisions of the Board of Directors, and discontinue any practice, which said Board considers detrimental or injurious to either the clients of, or the private practice of meteorology. - Encourage professional development and
meteorliogical education opportunities for those engaged in, or entering the private sector. - Mentor young and recent practitioners of
private sector meteorology, counseling and guiding them in the development of their career plans, and affording them opportunities for interacting with other weather entrepreneurs and successful practitioners. - Provide a source of professional advice and counseling
on issues relating to the sound and ethical practice of private sector meteorology. - Stimulate interest in, and access to NCIM issues and information,
through the development and maintenance of an NCIM web site. - Advocate and support a strong partnership between the
public and private sectors in the provision of weather, climate, hydrometeorliogical and environmental data and services. - Encourage qualified university students in the field of atmospheric science
to participate in summer meteorological internship programs.